2018-2019 Letter from the President

Greetings fellow bowlers,

Another bowling season is upon us. This is our 55th year as an Association.

This past season we lost another bowling centre. Sherwood Centre has been the home of many leagues and tournaments. The closing of Sherwood has hit our bowling family hard. Mountain Lanes, University Lanes and Waterdown Lanes have opened their facilities to accommodate our member leagues that had to find a new centre. We appreciate all the help that we have received from the proprietors. As well, a special thank you to those involved in making sure that
the member bowlers can continue to bowl and enjoy the sport that we all love. We truly have a strong bowling family.

Brenda Walters has stepped down as Zone Treasurer and is taking a much needed break. Thank you Brenda for making sure we always had money to operate. I trust we will see you at the lanes from time to time.

As your new Zone President, I wish to thank past President, Norm Macdonald, for all his hard work and continued dedication to the sport. Norm remains with the Zone Board and has taken on the role of Treasurer.

I wish to have an open door policy. If there is anything that you wish to inquire about, please do not hesitate to give me a call, or send me an email. I will make every effort to get back to you in a timely manner.

I hope that the 2018/2019 season is a prosperous year and we continue to enjoy our uniquely Canadian sport of 5 pin bowling.
